The Final Push

At the beginning of the year everyone is full of energy, they are ready to take on the year with their goals, resolutions and a healthy perspective on what is to come. For some, by the time February rolls around the energy has wained and people have gone back to their old habits. As the year rolls on there are highs and lows, maybe you pick back up on the resolutions list in the spring. Where are you by the time September rolls around? At that point exhaustion is my middle name and I am looking for ways to skip out of events, sleep late and dreaming about a week long beach vacation.

This year was a little different because that wave didn’t hit until October. Everything that can drain my energy simply does and I find it hard to replenish over a too short weekend. For this (later than usual) post I want to share some of my relaxing activities, the things that bring Ease to my life when my energy is nowhere to be found.

  • Get out your favorite cozy items - mine is a very soft red lumberjack blanket.

  • Plan for down time - take a weekend to get out of town and unwind in nature. There is something about fresh air in a new place that makes you feel refreshed.

  • Post pone things that can be postponed - Do I really need to start my Christmas cleaning now or can it wait two weeks?

  • Spend time with someone you enjoy being around

  • Do you have a hobby that you put on the back burner? Mine is knitting so this is usually the time I break out my needles and yarn while diving in to a new show.

You are the CEO of your life, there is no need to run yourself into the ground at the request of others. Surround yourself with things and people that make you feel relaxed and happy inside.


To Buy or Not To Buy?


Hold up - Wait A Minute