Are You Listening?

Podcasts have gotten a bad reputation lately. There have been too many hosts digging their social media grave by deciding to share their personal thoughts on a podcast. I am here to tell you everything is not all bad. There are so many great informative podcasts out there! The one that got me started was "The Friend Zone", the hosts are funny and very relatable, plus they have a variety of topics and resources that are right up my alley. Many of the small businesses that I will feature down the line are their recommendations. To round out my top 3, Food Heaven and Valley 101 are regularly in my queue. They are shorter shows but still offer a ton of great resources and I often end up incorporating into my life.

Are You Listening?! This was all to formally invite you to the Podcast Recommendations section of 99Find(s)!

Important Note: The photos link to the Spotify version of the podcast.


Hold up - Wait A Minute


Watch Out - Everyday