New Year - Time to Clear

The word "clear" can be used in so many situations. Clear out your closet, your drawers, your body, your mind, suitcases, cabinets, book bags and every other clutter-able vessel in your home. I love clearing out old stuff that no longer serves me there is no ideal time for this activity, it can be done whenever you want, I personally like to do it 2x a year. Once at the end of the year and the other during the summer.

When clearing, I often invite a close friend to help me. She helps me organize things while reminding me how many of these clothes I no longer wear. Having another person there keeps me accountable to finishing the task.   Since our last big exercise I came up with the following thought pattern:

  • When was the last time I wore this item of clothing ?

  • Why haven't I worn this clothing?

  • If it's a bad fit - GET RID OF IT!

  • I wonder if I can ever get this thin again? THROW IT IN THE BIN(for donations of course)

  • If I get rid of this one can I get a better one to replace it? One that is cuter and fits better?

At the end of this exercise I have a nice idea of how much space I have in my closet and an honest idea of what I need. Also I can look forward to my new items being a result of meeting one of my smaller goals. You don’t need a $30 - $50 book about organizing, you can find several easy organizing hacks by searching #amazonfinds on instagram, check out the reels and see if something applies to your needs. And we are back where we started. Set a goal, break it down, adjust as you go and see where you land.


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