Protein Queen

Every fitness person has a protein powder that they swear by. I have tried several powders over the course of my fitness journey and I have some qualms. First, I hate chalky protein; if I mix this with water and it tastes like a chalk board then I don't want it. Second, it must have a reasonable price (for example 20 servings for $39.99) its a NO. Third, it has to agree with my body, no bloating, no dairy traces and not loaded with sugar. After all, these requirements (born from bad experiences) I finally found a protein that works for me. For the past 5-ish years I have been using the Plnt brand from Vitamin Shoppe and while they only had 2 flavors they met the requirements. Disclaimer: I am a protein fiend and I searched high and low for a good dairy free option).

Now I have to tell you, I have rarely recommended this protein because of the lack of flavors. People get a real kick out of a variety it was lacking severely with this brand. Plnt recently came out with some new flavors; Cookies and Cream, Chocolate Peanut Butter and Maple Syrup Cinnamon French Toast. I am still working through the Cookies and Cream but one month in - I'm still in love.

While we are here, I'd like to plug these pantry containers, that I use to store my protein powder. The containers are a nice way to keep your pantry neat AND you never have to dig through your protein for the scooper. I also like that the largest container will hold about 2 months of protein. The other two containers I use for storing oatmeal and collagen. This set is easy to clean and makes things a little more efficient in my life. Its surprising how small changes like this make your life just a little easier. If you are a protein lover like me I encourage you to test out this protein and if you don't like it Vitamin Shoppe has a great return policy. (click here if you want to verify before you buy)


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